
Fireworks and Tree Safety

Fourth of July is right around the corner. Fireworks, cookouts  and pool parties in your backyard are just some of the things people do to celebrate America’s independence. However, with celebrating, comes a responsibility for your loved ones. According to National Fire Protection Association study over 15,000 firework-induced fires were reported. Not only can these fires result in hundreds of dollars in property damage, but it can also cause bodily injury to you or a loved one. So while you, your friends and family gather around your backyard to celebrate, make sure you have taken all the proper precautions necessary if you plan on setting off a few fireworks.

 Do you have dead, dying or fallen trees in your back yard? Call a Certified Arborist for a free estimate to have the tree removed. This will prevent any unnecessary problems if fireworks or sparks fly in that direction.

 Do you have any deadwood or brush that needs to be removed?  Tree care professionals can assist in removing any deadwood or brush that could be potentially hazardous during Independence Day festivities.

Do you have any overgrowth that needs that needs to be cut back or even removed? Not only can overgrowth upset the ambiance of a barbecue, but it can also “fuel the fire” if the overgrowth is out of hand. Contact a tree care professional to have it all taken care of before the celebration begins.

 Stay Safe!!! There are many things to consider before hosting your 4th of July get-together and tree care should be an important factor in the decision making process. Celebrate this year’s Independence Day with ease and schedule your tree maintenance now before it is too late. Give us a call anytime to schedule a free estimate.

If you’re concerned about a tree in your backyard, contact a tree care professional.  A professional arborist will be able to determine the health of the tree and provide recommendations for how to handle it.